Sunday, September 1, 2013

Allowing & Rewarding Bad Behavior

I have always loved celebrity gossip. It's a guilty pleasure and it's fun. Anyway, I've been watching a lot of trials lately and I'm not talking about the BIG ones like Jody Arias & Whitey Bulger (though I've followed both). I'm talking about the Lindsay Lohan's, the Chris Brown's, & other big/small named celebs. I hate to say it but WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED to CONSEQUENCES for your actions. The old saying, "You do the crime you pay the time" that doesn't seem to be the case anymore. 

When did it become okay for people to start behaving badly and then for that behavior to be allowed or worse rewarded? I am so sick of hearing about another person usually a celebrity (i.e. Actor, Sports Star, Reality TV Star, A-List, RICH) doing something horrendous (usually a criminal act) and they then get off or are rewarded for it--by the press, by getting a reality TV show or just the fact that they are in no serious trouble. 

It's become all about who you are, who you know and what lawyer you hire. I don't understand why, when or how this became the "norm". When did it become acceptable to allow someone to commit heinous crimes over and over and over again and say "Oh but that's okay, she had a hard childhood" or "He comes from a rough background" BLAH BLAH BLAH it's all a bunch of BULLSHIT. Then they are let off AGAIN with a warning or some pitiful sentence like probation and/or community service when they should be thrown in jail.

I believe once you hit a certain age; you need to stop blaming everyone & everything for your BAD behavior and start taking some responsibility and accountability for your actions. This goes for EVERYONE not just the well known. I've seen this bad behavior in all parts of life. I've worked with doctors who think they are above their support staff b/c we are not physicians or we don't have letters behind our names. (I have a great story about a doctor I worked with who flat out LIED on legal documents and he tried to blame ME) but I digress.

Everyday we see another celebrity, rich or famous person get away with just about anything as long as they have the money, power & the right attorney. This was obvious with Lindsay Lohan & Chris Brown and what they have done and gotten away with. It's also true about Lindsay's lawyer situation. It was astounding to see the difference in how her case(s) were handled by one competent lawyer Shawn Holley and the incompetent idiot one; Mark Heller. He was so incompetent and useless it was comical but it just goes to show if you have enough money you can buy the right lawyer. This was evident when Shawn Holley dropped Lindsay as a client but then POW she's back representing her b/c she paid.

Now I absolutely believe that everyone has a right to defend themselves and have their day in court & you should have the best lawyer possible but I do not believe that just because you hire the right lawyer, have a name and/or have money that you should be able to commit crime after crime all the while throwing your middle finger at the justice system and getting away with it (countless times). I'm so tired of hearing how another person has screwed up on probation and instead of being thrown in jail like they should be, they are just told, "Okay well it happens, just go to rehab or anger management and all will be forgiven." If this happened to you or me we'd not only be thrown in jail but we would never get out in 14minutes b/c of over crowding. 

There are no real consequences for their actions. Hell I wouldn't mind 3 months at a facility in Malibu talking about all the things that have bothered me all the while not having to do anything because my name is "insert famous name". No I do not have an addiction but I do have stress, anxiety & so many other issues that a few months dealing with those issues sure could help but at $30,000 a month it is not feasible to me. 

Again I'm not saying I have a reason to go to rehab or into treatment for "whatever issues these celebs lie about" my favorite one now is "she went into treatment for exhaustion and just needed some rest." Well LA DEE DA don't we all have exhaustion and need some rest? Why is it that they can do that but I can't? Oh right b/c its not really about their issue no it's about the publicity they get from it. Ah yes PUBLICITY, I guess its true "there is no such thing as bad publicity" Well I'm sure at this point we are all tired of hearing that Lindsay or Chris have done something AGAIN and are in front of a judge (whom they are usually so disrespectful to and the whole judicial system) and they say I"m sorry it won't happen again or I don't have the right people around me blah blah blah. Not an excuse nope I say "GROW THE FUCK UP and TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR ACTIONS."

Chris Brown beat the living shit out of Rhianna I don't care what she did first to "provoke him" b/c NOBODY man or woman has the right to hurt another person. He then goes onto to GMA and throws a hissy fit and tosses a chair out the window (or tries to). What if a child had been walking right under that window. "Oh I'm sorry i didn't mean to kill your child but I was acting like a 3 year old and got mad." BOO FUCKING HOO! Get over yourself Mr. Brown b/c one day your anger and your temper are going to finally cross the line and you are going to either kill someone or someone is going to kill you. I truly hope neither of those scenarios happen but he's got a lot of anger inside of him and I really cannot fathom why? 

He's a young man who has a wonderful career and if you say to me "Oh but he grew up so hard" I'm going to tell you to SHUT THE FUCK UP. Who hasn't grown up hard? Who hasn't had a tough time? We all do and most of us do not have the talent and opportunities like these young stars do. No we live check to check and mouth to foot. We pay Mary so Peter and Paul have to wait. We pray that nothing serious happens to us medically because we are w/o health insurance. Hell even with health insurance it is hard to pay the premiums and co-pays (I had a $500 co-pay every time I was admitted into the hospital and one year that was 3 times). It adds up very quickly $35 here for a doctor's visit. $150 there for an ER visit. Not to mention all of my prescriptions. I live a simple yet happy life and then you hear about these two you want to just smack them up side the head (picture Cher in Moonstruck) and say "SNAP OUT OF IT! Stop blaming everyone else for your issues and be an adult and grow the fuck up."

The sad part is it isn't just these two it is every celebrity. I was just watching the Joe Francis sentencing where he was:
Convicted on 5 charges total, including assault, 3 counts of false imprisonment, and 1 count of dissuading a witness from reporting... via TMZ
It was interesting to watch his lawyer argue a motion for a new trial on the grounds that the 1st one was tainted and that he did not get a fair trial. He wanted the judge to be the 13th juror & throw out the judgement entirely or grant them a new trial. The judge flat out denied him and I have to say I was actually surprised. I thought for sure that the judge would grant their motion. In fact the exact opposite happened (for once). The judge basically said. Nope not gonna happen and you are a piece of shit (not in those words of course but it was great). Finally someone is getting punished and oh did she punish him. See sentencing below or watch video here:

...Joe has been ordered to serve at least 270 DAYS in county jail
30 days for each count (3), 180 days for 1 count all to be served consecutively not concurrently.

He's also been sentenced to 36 months probation and has been ordered to complete a Level 3 Anger Management course.
Lastly he's been ordered to complete 1 year of psychological counseling at a rate of 1 session per week.

During the sentencing, the judge expressed serious concerns with Joe's explosive temper -- and warned that it could get him in trouble in the future unless he learns how to keep his cool.

Bond will be set at $250k via TMZ.
I was so pleased that finally someone was getting punished for doing something horrible but then BOOM it happened. 

His lawyer asked for him to be bonded out while they await for his appeal (which you and I know could take years). So basically even though he was convicted and sentenced he is free. How is this right? I'm sorry but if you are convicted & sentenced you should have to go to jail/prison not be allowed to walk free b/c you are appealing. There are millions of people in jail/prison right now who are awaiting for an appeal and they are not walking free. A lot of them did much less crimes than what Joe Francis was convicted of. So how is this any different? Why does he get to be free while others are not? Is it b/c he has money, a name & is famous? I don't know but I do know that if it was you or me we'd be in prison right now trying not to bend down in the shower. 

Not Mr. Francis though; nope he gets to not only be free but then has the balls to make a statement to the press about the trial, the sentencing and what the judge had to say. It is disgusting to watch. You can watch it here via Please do so at your own risk (I'd make sure not to be eating b/c you might throw up). He basically tells the courts to fuck off & that he's above them. Well Joe Francis get off your high horse before someone finally knocks you off. You are a piece of shit & I hope that you end up spending the entire 270 days in county. Of course this isn't the first time you've been locked up and sadly I fear it won't be the last.

Sadly, as I stated before; these are not the only cases you hear about. No it happens everyday. I could write nonstop until the wee hours and still not list all the people who got away with bad behavior (criminally or not). Personally I'd rather spend the time to find a way to make this stop, to change the way we deal with celebrities who commit heinous acts like them. What do you think? 

Aren't we all supposed to be treated as equals? It sure doesn't feel that way...

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