Thursday, August 29, 2013

Memories: The Good, The Bad, & even The Crazy ones...

Have you ever been talking to someone about nothing in particular and POOF a memory flashes into your mind? Sometimes it is a fleeting memory that goes as quickly as it comes; but other times it brings you back to the day/time that it happened? I love those memories and I've been having more and more of them lately. Now I do not remember specific days & times (ah no I'm not that good) but I can usually remember the year sometimes even the month that it occurred. I can do this because I associate everything with something; for instance--before or after cancer? Was it cold or hot when it happened? Who was I dating at the time? Little things like that help me remember the details of said memory. The more I practice it, the more clearer the memories have become. Also since I went gluten free and am actually digesting my food; my brain isn't quite as foggy (though my brain and body are still not in sync DRIVES ME BATSHIT CRAZY ACK) as it had been for the last few years. (I have to say after the throwing up and feeling nauseous all the time, having the foggy brain and not being able to articulate my thoughts was by far the 2nd worst part of being sick and not knowing what was going on with me) 

Anyway, I was texting a friend this evening and we were talking about a guy she likes at work which got us talking about how she could catch his interest. Well the conversation went from constructive and actual things to do; to downright dirty and kind of hysterical. So this silly conversation I was having with my friend brought me back to high school when my best friend MC and I would write stories that we kept in a spiral notebook. It has been a long time since I thought about those stories and so wish I had just one of the notebooks we wrote them in.

I don't remember how it started but I do remember MC loved to write and so did I. We both kept diaries from a young age and we were both HUGE NKOTB fans. Yes people I was (ok who am I kidding I still love me some Donnie Wahlberg not ashamed to say it. HAHA) a huge New Kids on the Block fan and we both had bought everything you could imagine that was NKOTB. My room was literally covered in posters (I'm talking including the ceiling). You could not see a mm of white in my room. I even had posters hanging straight down from my ceiling because I no longer had space to lay them flat. It was rather insane but hey I am a loyal person (still am probably too loyal) and I was going to show my love/loyalty for them (haha I laugh now thinking about all the time & money that was spent on this but hey that's what we do when we are teenagers right?)

I had dedicated my entire room to this boy band (oh Maurice Starr you were a genius) and my favorite one of the bunch was of course Donnie Wahlberg. MC loved Jonathon Knight (never quite understood that one but her & I NEVER had the same taste in guys. So it was one thing we never had to worry about fighting over LOL). But I digress I was madly, deeply in (what a 14/15 year old thinks is) love with Donnie W. and was convinced from 14 to about 16 that I BGG would meet and marry him. Oh I had it all planned out but that's not what this post is about. Btw I did end up meeting Donnie about 5-6 years ago and I have to say he is truly a nice guy and I have an awesome picture. I will tell you all about my NKOTB & DW obsession later. HAHA I'd definitely say I was obsessed but what teenage girl isn't obsessed with some star heck before NKOTB & DW I was in love with Corey Haim (do you see a trend yup I have always loved me the bad boy not the nice guy. Sadly up until VERY recently I still wanted what I call the bad boy reformed haha no such thing ladies---see one of those tangents I warned you about)

So back to my memories; I met MC in the 8th grade by our mutual friend CR (the same CR who I mentioned earlier that was there for me unconditionally). CR and I have been friends since the 5th grade. We met in band and we both played the flute. Well in Junior High (or Middle School for some of you); I was in Symphony Band while CR & MC were in regular Band and CR would tell me all these stories about MC and vice-versa. By the time we met in the mid/last semester of 8th grade we had interesting pictures of one another. Needless to say our imaginations were far more hysterical than the reality plus we hit it off immediately. Come Freshman year we had 5 out of 7 classes together (1 was lunch the most important "class" LOL). So when you are 14 and you have a friend that you click with, you automatically ask "Want to be my best friend?" and that's how MC & I became BFFs; sadly up until about 4 years ago when our friendship ended :( (I'll write about that later)

During our Freshman year we decided to keep a notebook full of our writings; which could be about anything. We wrote poems (her more than me) song lyrics but mostly we wrote stories about NKOTB and we passed it back and forth and we were the ONLY 2 people that were ever to see it. Yea until I lost it one day ACK but it was okay my good friend BM (a guy) found it and gave it back to me--talk about embarrassing. After that we actually started writing in it with a special code we made up. Heck we got so good at it that we didn't need the decipher to write or read it. Heck we could also speak fluent Pig Latin. My favorite stories were always the ones about us meeting Donnie & Jonathan and how they would immediately fall in love with us and sweep us off our feet. I laugh now b/c thinking back some of those stories were flat out dirty. Harlequin would blush haha but it was ours and it was fun.

I love that I am able to remember these things and remember them with such detail. It also gives me so much more confidence than I used to have b/c when someone tries to tell me that I'm wrong about a situation that happened I know in my heart what did happen. I can see it, I can feel it and I remember it. I also believe that you can absolutely train your brain to remember more but you have to want to and most important you have to pay attention to the smallest detail.

The other trick I've done (subconsciously until recently when I realized i was doing it) is to go over the conversation or event that just happen in your head. What I like to do is think of other ways things could have gone. Not in a OMG what if this and what if that, more of a "Choose your own adventure" sort of way. It helps me remember who was there, what was happening and its fun. I go over conversations in my head sometimes b/c I want to really think about what the other person said. I do a lot of reflecting b/c no matter the situation I also believe that you can fix anything if you really want to. I mean no matter how bad the situation is you can always go back & fix it (okay I'm talking about legal things you can't fix some stuff LOL). The important part of anything is to really look why it happened. You don't need to dwell on it and you don't need to worry about whether you did something bad or not. You just need to look w/in yourself and wonder how could I have made that situation even better? Or if everything went the way you wanted it to, you can think WOW what a great day I want to remember that and I promise you, you will remember. 

Another trick I do to remember especially names is I use that person's name in conversation a few times. Once I say it & use it I usually remember it. I am especially aware of people's first names b/c my actual name is not a common one and people ALWAYS screw it up. They add letters where there aren't any or they just mispronounce it. Btw my name is not a hard one it's just not common here in the States. So I try my hardest to really look, listen & repeat a person's name so I know I am saying it correctly.

So there you go a little bit on how I remember things and a story on a great memory that I had not thought about in years. 

Now if only I could remember where I put my keys LMAO

Until next time...have a great day my friends

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